Monday, 13 July 2020

Live Your Life Don't Live Other People's Life

A woman said to me recently...
"I space my kids 5years apart" and I asked why?
She gave 2reasons
"Because of what people will say"
"My mother spaced her kids 6years apart"

Here's what I want to point out from this short conversation. I absolutely do not have any problem with her spacing. That is her personal decision. I only have issues with her dogmatized belief.
How can your life be dependent on what other people think? 
How can you compare 2020 to probably 1960s. Do you care to find out why your mother took that decision?

Alot of people fail to progress in life because they allow people to have a negative influence over the way they think, feel, or behave. When you give people such power, they take over your life.

Don't give people too much power over your life.
Don't allow someone else's opinion of you to dictate your self-worth
Establish healthy boundaries. You decide who to allow into your life. Avoid people who take up too much of your energy. Don't waste your mental resources on toxic people
Don't change your goals because you were rejected.
Don't invest your time into talking about people that you don't like.
Are you aware you invest every minute you spend thinking about someone you don't like, is 60 more seconds you give that person.

In conclusion, It's impossible to live your best life when you're focused on pleasing people.

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Adanne Chukwudi Udejiofor EVERYDAY I am struck with new ideas. So I capture them and then I curate them put them into writing so...