It is a good thing to plan, no doubt about that. It is also a good thing to learn, attend mind blowing seminars and training. But of what use are all these plannings and learnings without practice? When will you come out of your shell? When do you think you are ready to take the big plunge? Remember, the people living a passionate life started even though they were scared. They are not aware of what the future held, but they did it anyway damning the consequences and fear of the unknown. Stop hiding under the umbrella of the popular maxim – “he who fails to plan, plan to fail” will you plan forever? Stop planning and start doing.
Just for a moment, think about the kid in the candy store. The child doesn’t think about what the flavours might taste like, if it will be bitter or sweet he just dives in. Adult life is no different, you don’t have to plan all your life getting ready else you will never get started. You feel like something is not right in your life, but the next step alludes you. You are so scared of making mistakes, you want it all to be perfect. You see and admire people living a passionate life, but you don’t know where to start.
I found myself in this exact situation not too long ago. I admired people living a passionate life and all I could do then was ask them questions and never get anything done. I realized i keep procrastinating because i felt i cannot achieve that which i so much desire. Until i took that bold step. Admiring and running after successful people did not help me. You are the only one holding you back.
In 2017, I decided It was time for the next chapter in my life. I knew I could add value to the world, but I doubted myself. Let your thinking come and go. Let life dance through you. See what happens as you grip existence more lightly.
Keys to Living a Passionate Life
Don’t lie to yourself. Remember, you’re diving into something new. Study your expectations. You will make mistakes. You will feel overwhelmed, unsure and afraid. You won’t know the next step to take. You’ll feel like you’re jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. This is what it’s like to be human. Those thoughts and feelings are to be expected. Be reminded that you are not your feelings or thoughts. You don’t have to change your thoughts. You don’t have to fix your emotions. Let it all be.
What is your passion? Again, like a kid in a candy store, look at finding your passion as an adventure. There are lots of flavours available. The only way to discover what you like is to start tasting the flavours. this is even more important If you’re fresh out of the university, because you have no idea what to expect from life after graduation. You can’t make predictions either, because you have no basis for those predictions. In fact, none of us can predict the future. All you can do is follow that which makes you happy. You don’t have to try so hard. Do your best with what you have. That’s enough. Don’t be scared of making mistakes. It is a part of this pathway. In fact, it’s what makes life full of flavour.
Learn to deal with resistance. Resistance is simply thinking we take seriously. When I write a book, I want it to be faultless. But, fortunately, I am aware I can only do my best and leave the rest. I just aim for a book that is good enough. By doing this, I let myself enjoy what I do. I don’t force myself to do what I can’t do. Instead of wasting energy on worrying and having self-doubt, letting go gives me access to an incredible amount of energy that helps me focus on how I can help. Don’t misinterpret me, I’m human, after all I still worry. The difference is that I don’t take my worrisome thoughts too seriously. Thoughts like-What if I fail? What if I’m not good enough? So what? I let them be and I move forward.
4. Enjoyment
Don’t live your life in sadness, depression and fear. You have the ability to enjoy each moment as it comes. I’m not talking about you eliminating fear, sadness, anxiety, depression and even grief. You can even enjoy those “low” states if they are seen as Indicators of your thinking at that moment. Enjoyment is about living with lightness; it is about being present in this very moment. It is not in the future. It is here I can enjoy the ordinary existence of being human.
5. Money
If you’re reading this, you probably want to get paid to do what you love. To achieve this, you have to find the connection between what you love to do, what you are good at and what people are willing to pay for. In order words, you need to create value. It can feel overwhelming. But the first step is to start.
You start with what you have, where you are, and you do your best. That’s it.
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