Wednesday, 9 September 2020


From my personal experience, I think children begin their drawing process from the moment they are old enough  to hold a crayon or pencil and put it to paper.  Sometimes, children draw to express emotions, because they don’t know how to express different feelings through words. They express their fears, joys, dreams,  hopes and even nightmares through drawings, and also give you clue about their relationships to other things.

Drawing is another outlet for communication, and children’s artwork represents a view of their personalities and can give us precise information about the young artists.
Although Sometimes drawings are just drawings, with nothing more than a fun playtime showing itself on the page. But sometimes, interpreting children’s drawings means that you discover a deeper layer to what they are thinking and feeling.

However, don’t read too much imeaning nto a child's drawing,  instead allow the child to tell you           
 This is a drawing of I and my hubby drawn by my daughter. The first thing I noticed was the smile and blushes on our faces. At first I wondered why we were both smiling, I asked the young artist and she said because we were both holding a rose flower (which was not really visible by the way)smiles! The flower symbolizes passion, declaration  of love... Hence, the sunshine in our smiles.
The fact that she has drawn numerous body parts and clothing which have their various meanings on us suggests that she has mature visual and motor skills. By looking at our clothing, I see that she recognizes gender differences. The drawing also  we  seem to enjoy doing everyday tasks together. Notice how we're each drawn in a distinctive way -- My hubby has a bowtie on his cloth which I am still trying to decipher if it is a big buba ankara and bowtie,(lol) and myself wearing a simple dress, for instance. This tells me that she's able to think of each of us as an individual with a strong bond who focus on giving love. 
Oh! Did I explain the meaning of the bowtie on my hubby's cloth? According to my daughter, the bowtie symbolizes a 'gentleman' while my dress symbolizes 'simplicity. Then personally, I think My 'big head' in the drawing depicts the imperfect me. 
It was encouraging that she drew us so close together holding one flower with so much joy written all over our faces; this shows she perceived her family as tight-knit despite our imperfections 
Thank you for this masterpiece Michelle Chukwudi Udejiofor and siblings.


Sunday, 23 August 2020

The EXTRAORDINARY woman. Dare to rewrite the rules

As a woman, you hold an amazing power. If there is one thing that time and history has clearly shown is that women are far from weak. A strong woman isnt defined by her ability to stay tough, cold and emotionless. A strong woman is defined by any woman who perseveres in the darkest of times, who supports other women instead of bringing them down and who finds strength within herself. It breaks my heart to see women compete against each other. That will surely not make you extraordinary. Rather than compete with other women, help yourself grow and help others too. We should not be our own enemies but supporters.

As women, we are born strong. I mean we bleed for multiple days straight once a month, yet, we continue to live our lives normally. At the same time, society has painted us as weak and fragile.
I embrace and praise strong women. Thus, the birth of my book The EXTRAORDINARY Woman. Dare to rewrite the rules. 


Monday, 13 July 2020

Live Your Life Don't Live Other People's Life

A woman said to me recently...
"I space my kids 5years apart" and I asked why?
She gave 2reasons
"Because of what people will say"
"My mother spaced her kids 6years apart"

Here's what I want to point out from this short conversation. I absolutely do not have any problem with her spacing. That is her personal decision. I only have issues with her dogmatized belief.
How can your life be dependent on what other people think? 
How can you compare 2020 to probably 1960s. Do you care to find out why your mother took that decision?

Alot of people fail to progress in life because they allow people to have a negative influence over the way they think, feel, or behave. When you give people such power, they take over your life.

Don't give people too much power over your life.
Don't allow someone else's opinion of you to dictate your self-worth
Establish healthy boundaries. You decide who to allow into your life. Avoid people who take up too much of your energy. Don't waste your mental resources on toxic people
Don't change your goals because you were rejected.
Don't invest your time into talking about people that you don't like.
Are you aware you invest every minute you spend thinking about someone you don't like, is 60 more seconds you give that person.

In conclusion, It's impossible to live your best life when you're focused on pleasing people.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Tired? Don't Give up. Keep going after it

Giving up and letting it go should never be an option for you. For the fact you are among the human species speaks volume. That said when you look in to human individuals — life is not that easy. people pass through different challenges every day. and when you face setbacks after setbacks, problem after problem, it can be very difficult to remain optimistic. It gets very tough to remind yourself that you are strong and that you can get through whatever problem you are facing. When life is tough, giving up seems to be the easiest way out. 
But the truth is, giving up should NEVER be an option for you. when you feel like giving up, there is a LOT of untapped inner strength inside of you that you perhaps don’t know about or haven’t realized. Use that untapped strength to your advantage.
There are so many reasons why you should keep going after your dreams even though its somewhat difficult
 Being Alive 
There is only one sure thing in life and that is death. Sometimes I hate talking about death but the bitter truth is… we won’t live forever. We all have our time frame on earth. As long as you are alive you have no excuse to give up. One thing I have learnt over years is you achieve whatever you put your mind to. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything — anything is possible. I know this might sound like a cliché but I find this to be extremely important because it reminds you of the ticking clock that is your life. Every second you spend procrastinating or overthinking or are frozen with fear is a second closer to the inevitable yet only certain thing in life, your death.
A lot of people might disagree and say this is a morbid way to think, but honestly, I disagree because death is the biggest motivator. Understanding that I have limited time always spur me to action and helps me to balance my priorities. Most problems and challenges in life when likened to the ever-looming shadow of death always seem minuscule and is a good reminder to keep going. I CAN continue because I’m alive and I will continue and never giveup.

According to Christopher Reeve, So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. The only accepted excuse to give up is that you are dead…
Believe in Your Dreams
Believe in yourself even when others don’ is also very imperative to disassociate yourself with people who makes you feel lesser of yourself. I have been there. Bad communication corrupts good manners. You have to believe in yourself for others to believe in you. Now let me ask you this pertinent question - Would you give up on your family, your spouse or your children? Then why would you give up on yourself? You and your dreams are worth more than that. Don’t sell yourself short and don’t allow anybody bring you down. If you can dream it, you can achieve it and guess what? your dreams and aspirations are WORTH PURSUING. There have been millions of dreamers even before you imagine if they had given up the world would not have been what it is today.
When Wright brothers tried to make “flight” a reality. People laughed at them, ridiculed them and told them it was an impossible dream. But guess what? They proved the world wrong, and today flight and airplanes are now considered a common means of travel. Now tell me, if they had listened to people discouraging words and gave up on their dreams probably today we would still be taking “ships” across the ocean and to travel from Nigeria to London would have taken you someweeks!

Believe in your dreams, pay no attention to nay Sayers. Everybody cannot encourage you. You have to know what you want and go for it. Never give up on your dreams! Take that bold step today just the way the Wright Brothers did and leave a footprint even when you are long gone.
Langston Hughes will say- Hold fast to your dreams, for without them life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. 
You Possess Everything You Need
Everything you need to achieve your goal is inside of you already. The truth is, people who are successful are not very much different than you. So stop making excuses for yourself! yes you heard right. You have gotten all that it takes to make your dreams come true.
Be appreciative for your God-given capabilities and strive for success. You have got all that it takes, you have all the tools inside of you to endure and keep going. Do you think great minds like Martin Luther King Jr. or Steve Jobs never dealt with worries or difficulties? They definitely did but they never allowed their fears and anxieties stop them from achieving their dreams and their legacies were built only after they endured, pushed through and they never gave up!

 Don’t Give up to Regret Much Later in Life
Personally, I feel regret is the worst feeling a person can feel. Do what you have to do now and Don’t put yourself in that regret position.  Tony Robbins created a “Rocking Chair Test” which he uses with his clients and utilizes the powerful feeling of regret to motivate and inspire people to push through their anxieties. It goes like this:
Take a moment and imagine yourself at 85 years old. You’re in your rocking chair, reflecting on how you’ve lived. Imagine your life if you did whatever it is that makes you anxious or fearful; maybe it’s changing careers, learning to fly a helicopter or taking a trip somewhere new. How do you feel? What’s your life been like as a result of the decision? – Tony Robbins
Prove It to Yourself and The World That You Can
A lot of people are just there to see you give up. It is better to fail and try again than to fail and GIVEUP. You have to prove to yourself and to the world that you are strong and that you know where you belong and that you can achieve your dreams.
When it comes to life, I want you to always have an “underdog mentality”. As DJ Khaled very notably says on Snapchat “THEY DON” T WANT YOU TO WIN” and this is absolutely true. The “they” in this context are all the successful people in the world who want to hold you back and do NOT want to give you any piece of their pie. You must fight and never give up. Imagine if Steve Jobs gave up and didn’t fight till his dream was achieved and let the “they” of his time win. We wouldn’t have smartphones and and everything else that we today take for granted.
In conclusion, don’t let anything or anyone stop you from your goal. Like I said before true failure isn’t when you fail, but when you fail and give up on your dreams. Know this now, you are capable of achieving what you set your mind to and quitting is only for weak minds.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Shoe Dog

Who doesn’t want to know how the other guy did it, particularly when the other guy has achieved near-legendary success? Knight is more well-known as the co-founder and one-time CEO of Nike, Inc. than as an author, and he shares some of the keys to his success in Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike.

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Saturday, 30 May 2020



Things were going great today until I was asked to repark my car. My street is a close and the number of cars parked on the street is exasperating as coming out of your compound is most times a thug of war😝.
Now I have this very impatient neighbour who's always in haste whenever he wants to go out.(most Nigerians are guilty of this)
Knowing the situation on ground, I expected him to chill a bit while I drive out...🤷🏽‍♀
But he was following me back to back. I had no space to navigate. I hooted severally this guy did not hear me because his windows are all up. This continued until he hit my car. Hmmm! If na you WETIN u go do???

The only word this guy muttered was "we will sort ourself out when I return"

Hours later, he returned. Guess what?? He never uttered a word about what happened hours ago.

So, I decided to approach him. Guess what he said to me " we both hit each other. You can call the police, I am ready for anything. Don't you ever call me out for something as unimportant as this" what you call damaging my bumper unimportant?

Guess my response after listening to this guy???

From his reaction he was shocked,confused,guilty and uncomfortable.

Sometimes let your silence do the talking. I was hurt quite alright but I needed to invest my energy on other productive things.

This lockdown,isolation,quarantine has thought me a whole lot. Oh how i remember the book of Ecclesiastes 2:21 For a person may labor with wisdom, knowledge and skill, and then they must leave all they own to another who has not toiled for it. This too is meaningless and a great misfortune. Thank God I still live, car can always be fixed but the dead cannot be fixed.

We all are strangers here on Earth, never forget this in a hurry.

I repeat sometimes let your silence do the talking 😉

Adanne Chukwudi Udejiofor

Tuesday, 19 May 2020


Do the things you can do now. Start somewhere. Remember, Time was not built in a day. It takes focus and consistency to achieve your goals. The more you try, the more you learn. Don't be afraid to fail. It's a learning process. An expert today was once a learner. A professor today was once a student. An apprentice today will become a boss tomorrow. It is better to try and fail than not trying at all. Don't give up on your dreams and aspirations. 

I remember vividly when I needed google AdSense to approve my
website for advert. I tried severally but was always rejected. It took me 3years to get the approval of google AdSense on my website. I achievement this because despite the rejections I never gave up. Instead I put in my best. 

Tick says the clock tick! tick! What you have to do, do quick.

Adanne Chukwudi Udejiofor


Adanne Chukwudi Udejiofor EVERYDAY I am struck with new ideas. So I capture them and then I curate them put them into writing so...